Who they are: is a food blog founded by Carlin Frimmel (my amazing wife) focused on bringing the joy of home cooking into the outdoors and to all adventure lovers.


You can have the most amazing recipes but if you have photos that make your food look like a pile of dog food, nobody will want to follow your blog and business.


Camp Kitchen is an outdoor focused food blog. Great images need to align with their brand and draw outdoor lovers to the blog. Their recipe images also need to look amazing because the quality of the content you market with is directly connected with the perceived quality of the recipes you share.


  1. Professional images that make your mouth water by just looking at them. They will make people click on that recipe and ignore the other 500 because the photo they see stands out to them. It looks tasty and so it builds trust that it will be even more delicious.

  2. Images taken in the outdoors: Camp Kitchen is an outdoor blog. If they constantly market with images from a stainless steel kitchen they confuse their audience and damage their brand. With images from the wild, they hit their target audience and connect with them directly.